Working with Resources

You can retrieve resources from Puli’s ResourceRepository with the get() method:

$resource = $repo->get('/css/style.css');

The get() method accepts the Puli path of a resource and returns a Resource.

If you want to retrieve multiple resources at once, use find(). This method accepts a glob pattern and returns a ResourceCollection:

foreach ($repo->find('/css/*')->getPaths() as $path) {
    echo $path;

// => /css/reset.css
// => /css/style.css

You can check whether a resource exists by passing its path to contains():

if ($repo->contains('/css/style.css')) {
    // ...

Like find(), this method also accepts glob patterns. If you pass a glob, the method will return true only if at least one resource matched the pattern.


The get() method returns Resource instances. This interface provides access to the name and the Puli path of the resource:

$resource = $repo->get('/css/style.css');

echo $resource->getName();
// => style.css

echo $resource->getPath();
// => /css/style.css

Resources don’t necessarily have to be located on the filesystem. But those that do implement FilesystemResource, which lets you access the filesystem path with getFilesystemPath():

$resource = $repo->get('/css/style.css');

echo $resource->getFilesystemPath();
// => /path/to/res/assets/css/style.css

Resources that have a body - such as files - implement BodyResource. This interface lets you access the body with getBody():

$resource = $repo->get('/css/style.css');

$css = $resource->getBody();

Child Resources

Resources support nested resources. In Puli, these are called child resources. One prime example is a filesystem directory which may contain other directories and files.

You can access the children of a resource with the methods getChild(), hasChild() and listChildren():

$resource = $directory->getChild('style.css');

if ($directory->hasChild('style.css')) {
    // ...

foreach ($directory->listChildren() as $name => $resource) {
    // ...


Resources support the method getMetadata() which returns a ResourceMetadata instance. This interface gives access to additional data about a resource. For example, you can use getModificationTime() to access the UNIX timestamp of the resource’s last modification. This is useful for caching:

$resource = $repo->get('/css/style.css');

if ($resource->getMetadata()->getModificationTime() > $cacheTimestamp) {
    // refresh cache

Resource Collections

When you fetch multiple resources from the repository, they are returned within a ResourceCollection instance. Resource collections offer convenience methods for accessing the names and the Puli paths of all contained resources at once:

$resources = $repo->get('/css/*.css');

// Array
// (
//     [0] => reset.css
//     [1] => style.css
// )

// Array
// (
//     [0] => /css/reset.css
//     [1] => /css/style.css
// )

Resource collections are traversable, countable and support ArrayAccess. When you still need the collection as array, call toArray():

$array = $resources->toArray();